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The International Society for Adriatic Studies in the Middle Ages
SISAEM, the International Society for Adriatic Studies in the Middle Ages is based in Rome and is dedicated to the promotion and diffusion of historical culture, in general, Adriatic history from antiquity to modern times and, in particular, supporting research on the Adriatic during the Middle Ages and Renaissance (5th to 16th centuries) in the broader sense, enhancing their scientific, education and social value.
SISAEM’s Promotional Committee, which has been active since October 2005, within the scope of the Medioevo Italiano Project (a cultural association which has made a name for itself in enhancing historical knowledge through the use of new technologies), has supported numerous highly prominent cultural and social events aimed at disseminating the history and culture of the eastern Adriatic coast. Specifically, it sponsors activities to promote and enhance Julian-Dalmatian history.
The Committee completed its work in September 2006, yielding its authority to SISAEM’s first Administrative Board, whose president is Roberta Fidanzia (PhD).
SISAEM is indeed proud of the noteworthy level of expertise gained by its founding members in the fields of culture and training. It benefits from the participation and collaboration of numerous researchers in Italy and other European countries.
Its projects include: the research series “Medioevo Adriatico”; an educational project for schools; its web site and mailing list. Upcoming projects include a biographical dictionary” along with a number of initiatives of high level cultural and scientific value.
Anyone who share’s SISAEM’s goals can join by filling out the membership application.
Web site: